Welcome to the online courses of EDA
The online course “Dyslexia: How to identify it and What to do” is developed by Dyslexia and Literacy International and hosted by the European Dyslexia Association.
Read more about the people behind the course in the Acknowledgement page

Dyslexia and Literacy International was a web site that was operational between 2000 and 2021.

The European Dyslexia Association is a European non-governmental umbrella organisation for national and regional associations of people with dyslexia and other specific learning differences, children’s parents, professionals and researchers.
EDA was founded and legally established under Belgium law in 1987 in Brussels as an international non-profit association by representatives of ten national dyslexia associations. It is the platform and the Voice of the people with dyslexia and so called ‘Specific Learning Difficulties’ in Europe.
The EDA currently has regional and national Effective Members in 21 EU countries plus Switzerland, San Marino, Turkey and Norway and Adherent member organisations; in all 40 member organisations in 25 European countries (see our list of members):
The EDA is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in official relation with UNESCO; a Full Member of the European Disability Forum (EDF); and has Consultative Status with the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).