2.10: Sources

Arlette Bourgueil and Marianne Klees (1997), Cet enfant n’apprend pas à lire comme les autres et pourtant il est intelligent (This child does not learn to read like the others but is intelligent), Ministère de la Communauté française, 3125 [ 67 (72 p.), Centre Technique et Pédagogique, Raidy Printing Press, Belgium

David Grant (2005), That’s the way I think: Dyslexia and dyspraxia explained, David Fulton, UK

Bevé Hornsby (2006), The Hornsby Correspondence Course. The Hornsby International Dyslexia Centre, UK

Lauren Leslie & Joanne Caldwell (2000), Qualitative Reading Inventory – 3, Allyn & Bacon, USA

Zachary’s letter to Mr. Pumfrey comes from the book by Peter David Pumfrey and Rea Reason (1992), Specific learning difficulties (dyslexia): Challenges and responses, Routledge, USA.

The short video clips are from the BBC film Language Shock, freely available on our web site.